Luxemburg: 39e Festival des migrations, des cultures et de la citoyenneté

Datum: März, April, Mai 2022 Zeit: Abhängig von der Veranstaltung Ort: Luxemburg La 39e édition du Festival des Migrations, des Cultures et de la Citoyenneté, accompagné du Salon du Livre & des Cultures, ainsi que la section art contemporain – ArtsManif, aura lieu durant les mois de Mars, Avril & Mai 2022, dans une formule

Luxemburg: Soirée dégustation thé et chocolat Fairtrade

Datum: 05. Mai 2022 Zeit: 18 Uhr Ort: Friendship Colours of the Chars Pop-Up Store, 22 Grand Rue, Luxembourg ville Soirée dégustation thé et chocolat Fairtrade & découverte des savoir-faire - dans le cadre des Semaines Fairtrade Inscription gratuite et obligatoire avant le 03/05/2022. Weitere Informationen und die Anmeldung findest du hier.   __ Saarland

Luxemburg: Critical Mass

Place de la Constitution 2 Bd Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Luxembourg, Luxemburg

Datum: 27. Mai 2022 Zeit: 18 Uhr Ort: Place de la Constitution – Startpunkt The concept of Critical Mass has been around since the early 90’s and first began in San Francisco. Since then it has spread to over 300 cities world wide, and now it’s coming to Luxembourg. Let’s reclaim the streets and raise

Luxemburg: Critical Mass

Place de la Constitution 2 Bd Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Luxembourg, Luxemburg

Datum: 24. Juni 2022 Zeit: 18 Uhr Ort: Place de la Constitution – Startpunkt The concept of Critical Mass has been around since the early 90’s and first began in San Francisco. Since then it has spread to over 300 cities world wide, and now it’s coming to Luxembourg. Let’s reclaim the streets and raise

Luxemburg: UNICEF Thrift Event

Datum: 10. Juli 2022 Zeit: 10 - 17 Uhr Ort: "Drescherhaus" Dommeldange, 26A, rue du Château, L-1329 Luxembourg Second Hand Cloths, Food & Good Vibes Organizers: UNICEF Youth Ambassadors Weitere Informationen findest du hier.   __ Saarland Nachhaltig! gibt es kostenlos als Webseite und App. Wenn ihr immer aktuell informiert sein möchtet, wann und wo


Luxemburg: Sustainable insurance – a meeting of two worlds

Datum: 06. Juli 2022 Zeit: 12 - 13 Uhr Ort: auditorium of Banque de Luxembourg (Blvd Royal 14, Luxembourg) 55th Midi de la Microfinance et de l'inclusion financière - Sustainable insurance: a meeting of two worlds The panel discussion will be followed by a reception until 14.00. Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung: Veranstalter: Appui au

Luxemburg: Afterwork @ CITIM

Datum: 06. Juli 2022 Zeit: 17 - 20 Uhr Ort: CITIM - Centre d'Information Tiers Monde,136-138 Rue Adolphe Fischer L-1521 Luxembourg Rendez-nous visite pour un nouveau format! Découvrez notre bibliothèque spécialisée dans les thématiques de la justice climatique, de la mondialisation, … mercredi, le 6 juillet pour notre 1er Afterwork @ CITIM de 17h à


Luxemburg: Critical Mass

Datum: 28. Oktober 2022 Zeit: 18:00-19:00 Uhr Ort: Startpunkt: Place de la Constitution, 2 Bd Franklin Delano Roosevelt Luxembourg, 1116 Luxemburg   The concept of Critical Mass has been around since the early 90’s and first began in San Francisco. Since then it has spread to over 300 cities world wide, and now it’s coming

Luxemburg: Critical Mass

Datum: 25. November 2022 Zeit: 18:00-19:00 Uhr Ort: Startpunkt: Place de la Constitution, 2 Bd Franklin Delano Roosevelt Luxembourg, 1116 Luxemburg   The concept of Critical Mass has been around since the early 90’s and first began in San Francisco. Since then it has spread to over 300 cities world wide, and now it’s coming

Luxemburg: Vegan Christmas Market

Datum: 17. Dezember 2022 Zeit: 11:00-21:00 Uhr Ort: Tramsschapp, 49, rue Ermesinde L-1496 Luxembourg Veranstaltung von Vegan Society Luxembourg Ho ho ho, come and share the joy Are you craving delicious vegan treats ? Looking for last-minute cruelty free gifts? Or just a magic christmas-feel moment with family and friends? Look no further! The Vegan

Luxemburg: Critical Mass

Datum: 30. Dezember 2022 Zeit: 18:00-19:00 Uhr Ort: Startpunkt: Place de la Constitution, 2 Bd Franklin Delano Roosevelt Luxembourg, 1116 Luxemburg   The concept of Critical Mass has been around since the early 90’s and first began in San Francisco. Since then it has spread to over 300 cities world wide, and now it’s coming

Luxemburg: Critical Mass

Datum: 28. Juni 2024 Zeit: 18:00-19:00 Uhr Ort: Startpunkt: Place de la Constitution, 2 Bd Franklin Delano Roosevelt Luxembourg, 1116 Luxemburg   The concept of Critical Mass has been around since the early 90’s and first began in San Francisco. Since then it has spread to over 300 cities world wide, and now it’s coming

Luxemburg: Critical Mass

Datum: 26. Juli 2024 Zeit: 18:00-19:00 Uhr Ort: Startpunkt: Place de la Constitution, 2 Bd Franklin Delano Roosevelt Luxembourg, 1116 Luxemburg   The concept of Critical Mass has been around since the early 90’s and first began in San Francisco. Since then it has spread to over 300 cities world wide, and now it’s coming

Luxemburg: Critical Mass

Datum: 30. August 2024 Zeit: 18:00-19:00 Uhr Ort: Startpunkt: Place de la Constitution, 2 Bd Franklin Delano Roosevelt Luxembourg, 1116 Luxemburg   The concept of Critical Mass has been around since the early 90’s and first began in San Francisco. Since then it has spread to over 300 cities world wide, and now it’s coming

Luxemburg: Critical Mass

Datum: 27. September 2024 Zeit: 18:00-19:00 Uhr Ort: Startpunkt: Place de la Constitution, 2 Bd Franklin Delano Roosevelt Luxembourg, 1116 Luxemburg Regelmäßig: Jeden letzten Freitag im Monat The concept of Critical Mass has been around since the early 90’s and first began in San Francisco. Since then it has spread to over 300 cities world