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Luxemburg: Critical Mass

24. Juni 2022 @ 18:00 - 19:00

Datum: 24. Juni 2022
Zeit: 18 Uhr
Ort: Place de la Constitution – Startpunkt

The concept of Critical Mass has been around since the early 90’s and first began in San Francisco. Since then it has spread to over 300 cities world wide, and now it’s coming to Luxembourg. Let’s reclaim the streets and raise awareness of other vehicles on the road apart from cars. Drivers in Luxembourg still tend to be unaware, due to a lack of experience with cyclists. It’s time drivers accepted our presence and treated us as legitimate and equal road users. It’s time they became more aware of us.

Mehr Informationen findet ihr hier.



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24. Juni 2022
18:00 - 19:00


Place de la Constitution
2 Bd Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Luxembourg, 1116 Luxemburg

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